Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

The Next Leader

     Hello everyone,here I want to introduce myself,my name is Fikhri.Here I want to explain my idea to you guys,the student's council.If i were chosen to be the chairman,I want to create a condusive environment for the students,and to I want the students to be active,both in intracurricular and extracurricular.
     My program will be a student art show,a class of 2015's own event,and other activities.I think it would be better if we not ask the change,but rather we have to make the change itself.Let's start the change together!

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Gerund & Infinitive

Her favorite hobby is painting.
John likes swimming.
He keeps talking about his new car.
My uncle lives by fishing.
The waiting room is very large.
My father bought a brewing machine.
Writing is a basic skill for children.
Anna is good at singing.
There is a No Parking sign over there.
Some people don't like cooking.

She was the first to submit the task.
He agreed to not drive recklessly again.
Carl likes to cook a pasta.
Can you tell me where to get a towel?
I have learnt to drive a car.
He likes to take a taxi when his car are being serviced.
They were resistant to adapt to the new way.
Jane can sing really good.
I need you to help me.
Her motivation to learn to sing impressed me.

My Last Holiday

In the last Holiday,me and my family went to Lembang.Because we went there before the Christmas, we could arrived there relatively fast.There we visited the Floating Market,it has many attractions.
After visited the Floating Market,we went searching for the place to enjoy the New Year,it then decided that we will spend the New Year in Hotel, back then many hotels had been reserved for the New Year.After finished searching the hotel then we went home.
In home I just watching TV,read books,and surfing the internet.I also used the free time to watch the pile of DVDs that I haven’t watched.
One day before the New Year,me and my family went to Lembang,after we had put the luggage in hotel we searched for food nearby,we found a vendor selling Goat Satay.Approximately one hour before the New Year,me and my family gathered at an event held by the Hotel,it had a lot of fireworks.
 Thank you for reading.